Stavanger steel industries köper svenskt gjuteri


Det är Keycast Kohlswa som Stavanger Steel Industries köpte under november månad. Stavanger Steel Industries har tidigare förvärvat Norrhults Stålgjuteri.Björn Rygg, styrelseordförande på Stavange Steel Industries meddelar på bolagets hemsida.

It is with great pleasure we welcome Keycast Kohlswa and our new colleges to Stavanger Steel Industries! We have a clear vision and target of building and develop the leading total supplier for steel castings and staninless forgings. To continue this journey with Keycast Kohlswa feels great and we are very enthusiastic! Keycast Kohlswa are a top supplier within its business area, to further contribute to the development and through the collected competence within the group of companies we now are, develop it further to a market leader in Europe is something we are looking forward to!